Friday, January 6, 2012

HP: Palm webOS Developers working hard to Open Source webOS. Committed to making it happen.

WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesús.

Today we received an e-mail Happy New Year wish from the Palm Developer Connection Blog, promising the Open Source of webOS , which is not that simple as many out there would think asking  just to post the source on Github. Palm webOS developers need to work out issues of governance, licensing, contributions, non-open source components etc. They are profound committed to making it happen.

From the Palm webOS Developer Connection Blog:

From all of us in webOS Developer Relations, we want to wish you a very Happy New Year. We start this new year with a continued flow of new apps coming in, a healthy population of TouchPads and other webOS devices in the field, and lots of folks with new Christmas TouchPads waiting to load them up with apps.We’ve been having a lot of fun with the community with our Weekly webOS App Hack contests, and are looking forward to more fun in the future. (Yes, we’ll be posting the results of the last Hack soon.)

We also start this year looking forward to the Open Sourcing of webOS. We are very excited about the promise of this new direction, and are working hard to make it a reality. No, it’s not going to happen immediately. While there are those who would like us just to post the source on Github, it’s not that simple. We need to work out issues of governance, licensing, contributions, non-open source components, etc. However, we are committed to making it happen, and to taking an active role in the future of webOS.

While we are working on these details, we are interested in your thoughts and opinions. Are you interested in or planning on contributing to webOS? What areas would you like to focus on (core OS, apps, etc.)? Let us know in the forums—we’re listening.

Again, Happy New Year. Let’s make it a good one!

Source: HP webOS Developer Blog

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