WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesùs.
From the HP webOS developer blog:
Enyo at SpainJS 2012
This month (July 5-7) we had the privilege of sponsoring and attending SpainJS in beautiful Madrid. This was a three day event consisting of conference talks and hands-on workshop sessions. Enyo was proudly represented there by Markus Leutwyler and myself, Jeremy Thomas.
Workshop Session
After the presentation, attendees were given the opportunity to download Enyo and experiment with it on their own. Developers created new projects or expanded on pre-made sample applications provided to them. The developers were encouraged to ask questions and receive personal help from Markus and myself.
Photo credit: SpainJS
Conference Talk
The main conference talks were held on Friday and Saturday. These last two days were jam-packed with excellent presentations given by brilliant Javascript developers from all over. Some standout talks, in our opinion, were:
Jeremy Ashkenas, creator of both Backbone.js and CoffeeScript, gave an introduction to CoffeeScript, basically a simplified version of JavaScript that compiles to JavaScript (with a compiler written in JavaScript).
Alex MacCaw, creator of the Spine JavaScript framework talked about the rise of asynchronous user interfaces. This is a very interesting technique for frontend developers where you decouple the feedback from an action and the actual work that has to happen (e.g. uploading a picture) to make the user interface as responsive as possible.
Keith Norman shared his pipedream, namely using the same backbone.js code in the browser and on the server (with Node.js). Imagine not only having the same language (JavaScript) and runtime on both the server and client but also the same code!
While we had a presence at the event, we weren’t scheduled to speak outside of our previous workshop. However, on Friday, there was an open-call for “lightning talks” where developers had the opportunity to give a quick, five minute presentation of their own. This was a great chance for people to showcase their various projects to a packed venue. Markus quickly grabbed his computer and headed to the front of the stage to register for a session.
After a few lightning round talks, Markus was announced. He then gave a brief talk on Enyo and demonstrated its benefits and ease-of-use. It was apparently well-received, because during his talk I had non-stop traffic at our booth.
SpainJS turned out to be a great event, for the event coordinators and for us. Enyo was well-received, judging by the number of people that stopped by our booth to get more information. We also handed out a ton of t-shirts and stickers, and made a lot of new friends.
If you were hesitant to go this year, now might be the time to start coming up with reasons to vacation there next year for SpainJS 2013. We’ll plan on seeing you there!
Source: HP webOS developer blog
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