Tuesday, August 14, 2012

RIM readying two BB10 beta devices for USA carriers.

WorldWide Tech & Science. Francisco De Jesùs.

BB10 start screen. Photo courtesy of Crackberry.

RIM readying two BB10 beta devices for USA carriers.

RIM`s CEO Thorsten Heins  said to the WSJ the company  will start delivering nearly complete versions of its new smartphones to USA  carriers next week.

He also indicates RIM is soon set to take two beta devices to carriers.

 "The physical shape and feel of the new phones is finished and the software nearly complete" and "We're near the finishing line."

The carriers noted in the article are Verizon Wireless and AT&T with comments coming from Mark Siegel, AT&T spokesman: "We value our relationship with RIM and look forward to working with them on existing and new products."

Crackberry site is pointing out RIM will roll out six phones eventually, three that are all-touch screen and three with physical keyboards and will have replaceable batteries and that RIM is about to or already has started inviting internal employees to take part in beta testing of the devices as well. RIM`s CEO Thorsten Heins is now carrying a BlackBerry 10 device.

In our before post  we said RIM is preparing BB 10 models L-Series all-touchscreen and N-Series w/keyboard. in June 26,2012.

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